August 15, 2014

14 August - Livin' in Clinton

It’s All A Wonder….

My 56th birthday.  The “down-slide to 60”.  Hmmmmm, down-slide?   As I sit here with Riko, I reflect on the fact that while I am past the century mark, life if anything, has sped up not slowed down as I always imagined it would have by this time.  I have lived more in the past 6 years than the 50 before it.  Since turning 50, I married my best friend, become a gramma (5x), lived in South Africa and moved to Massachusetts where I have learned more about the world of senior citizens, dispensing medicine & caring for an amputee than I ever thought I could ever know (this from a Candy striper dropout).   Through it all God has been by our side for the ride. And what a ride it has been.

His timing is perfect as always.  Lessons learned thru faith, peace in the knowing He is always there, Joy in seeing prayers answered.  What am I getting at?  The VA finally came through!   We came down to having $ for 1 more month of rent aaaaand…Dad now receives a pension that will allow him to stay at Sunrise for as long as he wants to.  He is SO happy (and I do mean “happy”) as are we.  This is the first time he says;  “I am so happy here”; “he/she made me laugh at dinner”; “I was teasing the girls at dinner today” ; since my Mom went home to be with Jesus.  He is now starting to decorate his little apartment and had me buy him some new jeans & t-shirts.  It is so wonderful to see him doing well. 

As for Mike & I we are slowly getting used to the “Massachusetts way of life”. Course I am not sure we’ll ever adjust to the humidity…ish.  But, we have been blessed with the opportunity to reconnect with my father, and that in itself has been awesome!  And, God has blessed us with this little town we now call home.  We love going on walks after supper, hanging at Central Park for the Tuesday night concerts, or taking Riko for a run around the rez…..  We have our own little Mayberry here (check out “the Andy Griffith Show” circa 1960-68 for you youngsters) …safe and friendly.  He has led us to a nice little church where the people are warm, worship is awesome & the Word is shared.  Our new life….

And so as we always do, we send you all our thanks.  Actually “thanks” is such a small word.  Your constant support and prayers have been such a blessing to us.  Even after we returned to the US you have been by our side.  Like I said before….His time is perfect, we have learned lessons thru faith, gained peace knowing He is always with us, experienced the joy in seeing our prayers answered AND are comforted by the love & support of family & friends…

Yeah…56 is definitely NOT a down-slide at all

In His Name…
   Jeanine & Mike
 This is our town....

 ...where duck crossings are the 
  Sunrises and....

 ...sunsets are amazing.

 Tuesday night concerts in the
                                                                             park bring folks together,

 and an awesome view from the rez....
                                      yup this is our town.