August 20, 2016

When You say go I will go, when You say stay I will stay

The morning sun slowly reached its climb over the tall, thick trees like an emerging flame on a candle wick, growing brighter and warmer with its ascend. The clouds hovered low covering the sky with what looked like cotton balls joined together to form a cozy blanket. They moved across the pale blue sky as if they were targeting a specific destination, determined and quick to get there. The breeze stirred the lake water to a gentle wake, revealing gray and blue ripples among the surface. Buried in the shadow of its surrounding trees, the water looked cold and dark. But as the sun stretched out over the trees, it cast a white light on top of the water. Little sparkles of light danced among the ripples, appearing and disappearing as the mild waves rose and fell. The reflection looked like a light show synchronized to a beautiful melody that only nature could hear.

I watched in amazement of the beauty surrounding me. I could almost hear the melody as I gently swayed on the water. Sitting quietly in the kayak listening to the wind tickle the leaves in the trees across the shore, I couldn’t help but feel like I somehow was a part of this environment. I was not just witnessing the sunrise and the clouds and the water play with the wind. I felt a connection, like I was part of the dance. I belonged here. Maybe that is how it is supposed to be. We are all part of God’s creation. Why not feel a connection? Why not feel like a part of this beautiful universe, this amazing planet that God created.

Sometimes stepping away from things can reveal some opportunities to reflect, to meditate, to spend some quality time with God. Jeanine and I retreated for a long weekend to a cabin in New Hampshire to rest and recuperate from a long season of service and ministry. We needed this time after reaching the summit of our call to take care of her father during his years of physical health challenges.

On July 20th, dad went home. It was a peaceful departure, the way he wanted it to happen. After of month of hospice care in his home, he was constantly with one of his kids or their spouses. Each of us had the opportunity of intimate time with him to talk about days of growing up, reminisce about mom, or even the best way to cook soup. We loved those final days with him and were happy we could surround his bedside during the final moments. Heartbroken, saddened, and fatigued, we were also relieved that his discomfort had ended. Having had a love for Jesus, we know dad is with him and also reunited with mom.

Jeanine and I have had both rough waters and smooth rides during this time, and we feel were blessed by having this call. It was a time of great personal growth, spiritually and emotionally, and we look back with a sense of gratitude.

Our retreat to the New Hampshire cabin has given us time to grieve, to concentrate on each other, and to focus on God and what He has for us next. His message to us right now is to recover. Simply that. Build ourselves back up, solidify our faith, our marriage and ourselves so that we can be the steady foundation we need to be to take on the next challenge He has for us. We look forward to that opportunity when it arises, but for now, we rest. We seek that connection to His creation, to each other, and to Him. Just as Jesus retreated from the crowds to pray and to rest, we too will do the same.

We will continue to post blog updates. Until then we thank so many of you for the much needed encouragement and support over the last few years. Our home is always open for visitors. Come visit us in New England, or for those of you already here, come have dinner! We make very good calzones!

With love,
Mike and Jeanine